TESTIMONIALS REVIEWS - Testimonianze   -                                           RECOMMENDED ON TRIPADVISOR 

"My first experience of a yoni massage with Gian was a very pleasant and memorable one. Gian was extremely decent and professional throughout the session." – Meredith – Perth –Australia



“ He is an outstanding therapist who pays special attention to my sensual needs. I highly recommend him” – Diane – Manchester U.K.


“ Ho sperimentato molti tipi di massaggio ma quello di Gian è unico nel suo genere. Non mi sono mai sentita cosi a mio agio e libera. L’orgasmo è stata la cosa più naturale”.

Giorgia – Napoli - Italy


"I had a yoni massage session with Gian recently. I must say that not only the massage was great, but I should also thank Gian for his patience in waiting for me, as my flight from Washington to Milan was delayed by more than an hour. Priceless! " - Karen United States


"Ho fatto, finora, 6 massaggi con Gian ed il motivo per il quale mi faccio toccare solo da lui è perchè Gian è una persona speciale. Non è un massaggiatore qualunque. Con lui mi sento sicura e perfettamente a mio agio, considerata la natura del massaggio. Peccato non averlo conosciuto prima.” Anna – Milano Italy



“ Ho portato mia moglie nello Studio di Gian, nel centro di Milano. Un ambiente molto elegante, caldo ed accogliente. Mia moglie ha avuto un full body massage con yoni ed orgasmo finale. Ha sperimentato la grande meraviglia dello squirting e da allora anche la nostra vita sessuale è ripresa di slancio.Grazie Gian.” F & C. -  Roma Italy


“ I was curious about what yoni massage is and wanted to try it. When Gian explained what it was I was initially not sure. So I asked my friend and she said to try. When Gian came to my hotel room I was very nervous, but after talking for a few minutes, I found out he is so normal and also quite humorous and I decided to go ahead. I have never done that massage before and it was a surprise at my age to feel again so aroused and comfortable with my body. Gian is a very decent person and also caring. Thanks for the experience”  Amy – Singapore



"Had my yoni massage session recently. It was both refreshing and eye-opening. Learnt a lot." - Pamela - California – United States


"I recently engaged Gian for a massage session in my hotel. I must confess that it was a truly wonderful experience. Totally talented and professional. Two thumbs up!" – Romy – Frankfurt – Germany


“It was my last day of holiday in Milan. I went to Gian’s  Studio. He made me feel like a I could surrender bodhy and mind as part of the massage experience. He is so handsome and he approached a massage like an artist. I look forward to his massages. A true escape from the stressful world. – Natasha - Russia

That was the wildest orgasm  i have ever had.. xxx



I am Louis from Paris and my wife  from Thailand say thank you and congratulations to Gian for a wonderful couples massage in Milan, January 2012." - Louis & P. - Paris, France



“I read about Gian and his tantra yoni massage in Milan and called him to make an appointment. However, after many failed attempts in reaching him, I began to have doubts whether he was genuinely a therapist. Finally, I had my session today, and I must say it was one of the best. I also wish to apologize to Gian for doubting him. In my opinion, Gian's services need to be made popular so more would benefit from them." – Greta – Sweden



“ Loved the last time I was in Milan! I want to experience the yoni massage with Gian again, especially as the recording of it really turned me on…!!!” Kati – Melbourne Australia


“ Grazie per aver contribuito FATTIVAMENTE a rendere il nostro anniversario di matrimonio MEMORABILE, regalando a mia moglie momenti veramente intensi col tuo tocco magico” Antonio – Novara – Italy


“ All I can say is OMG!!!

I really liked your massage and I could tell I got so excited! That was an amazing experience for me. I apologize for screaming  like that.  I never did before! 

Screaming and yelling with damn intense orgasms! Thank you so much – Karina – Bratislava - Slovaki"


Carissimo GIAN, volevo ringraziarti per ieri sera. Riesci sempre per un'ora a far spegnere la mia testa ( cosa difficilissima per me). Grazie ancora" - Lory - Venezia - Italia


Ho atteso più di 1 anno prima di scrivere quesa mia verità. Gian ha ridato nuova linfa vitale alla mia vita. Oltre ai notevoli benefici fisici che derivano dalle sue mani d'oro, Gian mi ha fatto di nuovo rivivere le pulsioni adolescenziali e le passioni che col tempo si erano affievolite. Grazie a lui e ai suoi massaggi tantra ho riscoperto la mia femminilità ed anche il rapporto con mio marito si è riequilibrato. GRAZIE DI CUORE GIAN!! Francesca - Milano


Reviewed in TRIPADVISOR by Alina Greta B.  : https://www.tripadvisor.com/ShowTopic-g187849-i143-k7213139-Seeking_Deep_Tissue_Massage_Near_Stazione_Centrale-Milan_Lombardy.html


  Thanks to all of YOU from my heart! Grazie di cuore a TUTTE VOI! Gian

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